The sand crisis in numbers: Guest post by Trademachines
Construction, fracking, simple everyday items - The demand for sand is continuously increasing but the resources are finite. The excessive consumption of sand had led to a point that the world is now facing a scarcity in sand, but do we know how concerning the situation is? Let’s try to put our finger on it...
72 dumper trucks of sand necessary to frack one site
45,000 tons of sand to build 1 mile of highway
980,000 tons of sand is extracted from Poyang Lake every single day
...just a few overwhelming figures that imply the gravity of the issue. The following infographic from TradeMachines summarizes the most important numbers that describe the severity of the situation. Take a look, take it in, let’s take steps toward change!
Disclaimer: The views expressed are those of the author and they do not necessarily reflect the views of SandStories