This is a picture of a Martian sand dune lit up by The Sun. Beautiful though it may be, it is devoid of one thing - LIFE.
Sand on planet Earth on the other hand, is a key part of ecosystems that are conducive to life. As we indiscriminately extract mind-numbing volumes of sand and its hidden minerals, we threaten much of what we hold most dear.
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A circular economy is a system that is designed to keep products and materials in use, eliminate waste and pollution, and allow natural systems to regenerate. We can address the global sand crisis by keeping the materials we have already extracted in circulation for as long as we can. We also need to design products that do not require sand and gravel in the first place.
In this Voices conversation, Kiran Pereira, Founder of SandStories, and Annabel Short, a Built Environment Specialist at the Institute for Human Rights and Business explore the human and environmental impacts of sand extraction. The conversation also offers multiple innovative approaches to reduce the use of sand and to develop and scale up the use of sand alternatives. You can listen to the podcast here.